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The London Tobacco Alliance has been created to enable partners to accelerate efforts to eliminate smoking in London. The culmination of years of work, it is the first of its kind in the capital. We are leading the way together to end smoking in London.

Find out more about the London Tobacco Alliance

Watch the webinar “The Evidence to Inform Stop Smoking Service Design: How to Focus on Priority Groups” in partnership with the Behavioural Science Public Heath Network, London.


The London Tobacco Alliance is a regional voice to make London smokefree by 2030 and focuses on the inequalities around smoking.

Join us
  • Driven by Big Ambition

    Regional Tobacco Alliances work. The Alliance works by convening partners and experts, to share best-practice, innovations and up-to-date insights, as well as identify opportunities for tackling illicit tobacco. Through the Alliance, we can understand what’s being delivered in London and where and work together to fill any gaps.

  • City wide action to reduce smoking-related health inequalities

    The London Tobacco Alliance combines city-wide efforts to prioritise the health and wellbeing of Londoners, address health inequalities attributable to tobacco, and ensure our children grow up without ever facing the temptation to start smoking.

  • Working together in a coordinated way

    Through collaboration, partners will share and create effective system-wide approaches, using Stop Smoking London as a key resource to help more Londoners stop smoking. We will do things once for London, including position statements, partner resources and best practice approaches.

  • A range of partners with a shared vision for London

    Our aim is to ensure becoming a smokefree city remains a top public health priority for London, supporting the shared ambition to be the world’s healthiest city. London Tobacco Alliance partners include Directors of Public Health, representatives from the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities, the NHS in London, London Councils, the GLA as well as voluntary sector organisations and academic institutions.


Through partnership, through innovation and with stated aspiration and ambition – we will save lives.

“My parents died when I was 23. They both died of cancer. Both died because of smoking. We had two years prior to their death of terrible experience, in terms of health and me seeing my parents die literally in front of me. I don’t want any family to go through that and so therefore for me, it’s not just a health-related issue or a community issue. For me it’s personal. If we can actually make this work then we reduce down the terrible impact that tobacco has on society.”
Bob Blackman MP

Bob Blackman

MP for Harrow and Chair APPG on Tobacco

“Regional Tobacco Alliances work. We have great examples of where they’ve been highly effective in other parts of the country and we’re now keen to bring the learning and expertise from that to bring to bear here in London. Through the alliance we’ll be able to understand what’s being delivered in the city at this time, where the gaps are and how working together we can help to fill those gaps and ensure we are more than the sum of our parts.”
Prof Kevin Fenton, OHID

Professor Kevin Fenton

Regional Director for London Office for Health Improvement and Disparities

“Smoking is probably the thing that causes the most avoidable harm to our population. We made real strides 20 years ago restricting smoking in public places. But since then, we haven’t done as many big things that have made a difference. There are still a hugely significant number of people still smoking and worryingly there are a lot of pregnant women who smoke. So now is a really good time, particularly as we recover from the pandemic, to focus on things we can do to prevent harm for large numbers of people.”
Chris Streather

Chris Streather

Medical Director NHS England (London)

“The best regional programmes are in Westminster telling politicians what it is that we need to really transform the most vulnerable communities to smoking, to make sure that we can reach into every place. So, if London is really flying in five years’ time, it won’t just be leading for London, it’s going to be leading for the whole country.”
Hazel Cheeseman

Hazel Cheeseman

Deputy Chief Executive for Smoking on Action and Health (ASH)

“Eliminating smoking remains our single biggest opportunity to close the gap in health outcomes. Supporting people to quit smoking is the most impactful factor in improving a person’s health and quality of life and preventing premature death. Through the LTA, we have a real opportunity to tackle health inequalities and support communities most disproportionately affected by smoking and tobacco harms.”

Dr Somen Banerjee

Co-chair and Smoking Cessation Lead, London Association of Directors of Public Health

“The London Tobacco Alliance will act as a regional voice to make London smokefree by 2030 and will focus on the inequalities around smoking. We already have a number of key partners including OHID, ASH, NHS England, the GLA as well as Directors for Public Health and London Trading Standards.”
Tracy Parr

Tracy Parr

Programme Director, London Tobacco Alliance and Stop Smoking London

aim – London Tobacco Alliance

Through partnership working, and by focusing on the inequalities that surround smoking – our aim is to make London Smokefree by 2030. Smoking is the biggest avoidable cause of death, disability, and social inequality in health in the UK.

News & Events

Help create a smokefree generation

Briefing: “Creating a Smokefree Generation and Tackling Youth Vaping”

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Smokefree at Work guide - free toolkit

New practical guide promotes Smokefree workplaces

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London pavement cafe smoking ban

London councillors urge government to make all pavement seating smokefree

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ASH’s report on e-cigarette use among young people

First for smokers as London’s position on vaping for adult smokers is published

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he new partnership will help more Londoners to quit smoking using local borough services through Stop Smoking London.

London Fire Brigade joins the London Tobacco Alliance

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Smoking prevalence rates in London stand at 12.9% (2019) – significantly lower than the England average of 13.9%.


There are around 897,243 smokers in London, but there are extreme inequalities across individual boroughs and communities.


of people living in London’s poorest boroughs smoke.

1 in 5

Adults living in Islington are smokers.

1 in 10

of routine and manual workers in Havering are regular smokers.


of women in London are smoking at the time of delivering their baby.


Long term smokers are 7.5% less likely to be employed.


of routine and manual workers smokein London.


Non-heterosexuals are 2.5 times more likely to smoke than heterosexuals.


People experiencing homelessness are 77% more likely to face greater health inequalities.


of smokers in London have a long-term mental health condition

Target location on the world map

Immigration from countries with higher smoking rates, particularly Eastern Europe including Romania and Poland, has an impact on tobacco use in the UK and London.



Most effective

Local stop smoking services offer the best chance of success.

A person is 3 times as likely to quit with behavioural support than using willpower alone.

Local stop smoking services offer the best chance of success.

A person is 3 times as likely to quit with behavioural support than using willpower alone.


Using medication prescribed by a GP, pharmacist, or other health professional…

…doubles a person’s chances of quitting.

Using medication prescribed by a GP, pharmacist, or other health professional…

…doubles a person’s chances of quitting.


Using over-the-counter nicotine replacement such as patches, gum or e-cigarettes…

…increases chances of success by 1.5 times.

Using over-the-counter nicotine replacement such as patches, gum or e-cigarettes…

…increases chances of success by 1.5 times.


Least effective

Using willpower alone is the least effective method.

Using willpower alone is the least effective method.

Most effective Least effective



Preventing early deaths from smoking could save London £201.8M a year.


People in London die each year because of smoking.


The average number of years of life lost among male smokers in London.


Stopping smoking could see more Londoners in work. Smoking related unemployment costs London £1.1Bn.


of London households with a smoker fall below poverty line. Roughly the equivalent of Islington and Hammersmith and Fulham’s populations combined.


is the average amount of money a smoker spends on tobacco annually.


The average amount of money a household of two spends on tobacco per year.


cigarettes are consumed in London each day.


Tonnes of tobacco waste would be saved annually if London went smokefree.


Tonnes of tobacco litter is discarded onto the streets of London every year.


Smoking costs London £2.98Bn a year in lost productivity, health and social care, and fire, including loss of life and damage to property.

Stopping smoking can reduce depression and anxiety. It can benefit symptoms as much as taking antidepressants.


Blood pressure and heart rate icon

Decreases blood pressure and heart rate.

Halves the risk of heart attacks and strokes icon

Halves the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Risk of lung cancer and chronic lung disease icon

Decreases the risk of death through lung cancer and chronic lung disease.

Reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, voice box, oesophagus and stomach.

Risk of impotence in men and fertility issues in women icon

Reduces the risk of impotence in men and fertility issues in women.

Risk of brittle bones and osteoporosis icon

Reduces the risk of brittle bones and osteoporosis.

Clock to signify reduced premature aging icon

Improves the skin’s appearance and reduces premature ageing.

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